Substance Theory


Louis Althusser / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Baruch Spinoza / Dialectic / Substance Theory

Vaiśeṣika Philosophy (Triết Học Thắng Luận).pdf

Substance Theory / Materialism / Soul / Metaphysics / Indian Religions

Atom Ism

Islamic Philosophy / Substance Theory / Ontology / Creator Deity / God

Reception AristotlesMetaphysics

Aristotle / Metaphysics / Translations / Neoplatonism / Substance Theory

Finalmente Sconfitta l'Artrite

Immune System / Osteoarthritis / Pharmaceutical Drug / Substance Theory / Pain

pdf - Baruch Spinoza - The Ethics Part 1 - Concerning God

Substance Theory / Existence / Causality / Truth / Essence

Alain de Libera When Did the Modern Subject Emerge

Substance Theory / Mind / Martin Heidegger / René Descartes / Nihilism

Aristotle and Plato on God as Nous and as the Good Stephen Menn

Nous / Aristotle / Plato / Soul / Substance Theory

After Finitude

Immanuel Kant / Phenomenology (Philosophy) / Metaphysics / Martin Heidegger / Substance Theory

Schatzki - Social Ontology Copy

Concept / Ontology / Theory / Sociology / Substance Theory

ARNHEIM Visual Thinking

Perception / Aristotle / Substance Theory / Thought / Plato

Substance and Reflection Aristotle and Hegel

Reality / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Metaphysics / Idealism / Substance Theory

ARNHEIM Visual Thinking

Perception / Aristotle / Substance Theory / Thought / Plato

A Companion to the Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s Metaphysics

Substance Theory / Metaphysics / Aristotle / Causality / Object (Philosophy)

Philosophy Now - April-May 2016.pdf

Substance Theory / Reason / Philosophical Theories / Epistemology / Cognitive Science

[Dagobert D. Runes] the Dictionary of Philosophy

Idealism / Immanuel Kant / Absolute (Philosophy) / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Substance Theory